Fathers Day is this weekend (Sunday) and while some women often demoralize men for not showing up in the lives of their children it’s important to NOT do that. Children who grow up without fathers already have a lot to deal with, as do the mothers who care for them.
I was a lucky child growing up, I was blessed with 3 men who all were Fathers to me. And they came in at different stages in my life so I was doubly blessed because, well it was almost like the compound effect. Each one added a layer to what the other had started.
I am also blessed to have a husband who is an AMAZING Father. I shared in my last newsletter that while we have very different parenting styles he is the ying to my yang and I while we made a ‘no divorce’ commitment when we first got married I know I am blessed that God saw fit to make him the father of my children. Through him they’re learning trust, respect, how to love, and what expectations to have from and of the opposite sex as they grow.
I want to share with you a few thoughts on how to honor the men in your life. Be it a husband, life partner, Dad, Uncle or Brother. The principle points are the same so here goes.
These are my list of DON’Ts
- Do not argue with him in public
- Do not belittle what he does
- Make his salary an issue
- Ask for help and then do it your way
- Micromanage his actions
- Ask another guy to do something (without first asking him)
- Ignore his feelings
Here’s a list of things to do to uplite the men in your life.
- Do the opposite of the above list
- Pray for him
- Love him- Do this by learning his Love Language
- Praise him in public
- Show affection
Now I’m no relationship expert, but I have had my share of both healthgy and unhealthy relationships in my life and one thing I’ve learned regardless of who the man was is that your relationship will ALWAYS be better when you keep in mind they are humans and unlike women who wear their hearts on their sleeves, men are better at keeping their emotions in check.
If you want to better understand the men in your life I’m going to suggest one you can grab
Now I wanna know how and what you plan to do to honor the men in your life.

P.S here’s a Father’s Day Playlist from Spotify for you to share with Dad as well