Hi I’m Wanda and I want to introduce myself. I’m a mom, small business owner, photographer and so many other things. But tonight I’m imparting some of my truth. That saying that no one else’s opinion of me matters is bullshit. I care and so do you. This is why we drive ourselves crazy over how to grow our Instagram accounts. This is why we seek validation via double taps. It’s not right and you may justify it with ‘I make money online ‘ but the opinion of others matters. If it didn’t your feelings wouldn’t get hurt by negative comments or a drop in stats.
I’m not crazy about about my curves because they are the direct result of an unhealthy lifestyle and I know this. The thing is I use excuses to justify my laziness. I can’t eat pizza and donuts and not feed my body the movement it craves with a routine exercise program. Loving my curves is fine but I don’t love how they got here via an unhealthy diet and lack of exercise. All that amounts to is less time with my children, less time with my husband, and less time with the rest of the people that matter.
I had a moment of honesty with myself and realized that while I love me parts of me I don’t love and that shit has to change. While I was being wheeled into surgery this week to have a bunch of strangers insert things into parts of me that shall remain nameless to deal with kidney stones and insert a stent 100’s of thoughts ran through my head. My adopted dad had a stent placed in his chest because of a lifetime of bad dieting. He passed away 7 years ago. My biological father passed this year due to heart issues and dementia. As an epileptic myself, this hits home HARD.
My moment of honesty hits me every day when I look at my children. The choices I make for them and the little hearts beating inside of them. I am by no means a crunchy mom. We have a weekly pizza dinner and I drive to the corner store for snacks, but I also have them involved in their favorite sports and we read daily. If they opt out of a salad I know they’ll grab an apple and blueberries as their side-dish for dinner AND bedtime snack.
Why do I share this with you when I typically share photo and business content? Well because I think at some point we need to share the realness that goes on inside our hearts and minds. My kids are my why. They are the reason I started this business. I wanted to create memories for them and out of that desire I started creating memories for others as well. Loving our outsides without loving our hearts both literally and figuratively is not the way to live.
Dig deep have your own moment of truth and see what arises.