All businesses need a brand. One face of your business that your clients can rely on. A style that speaks of who you are. We live in a time that has over 152,000,000 blogs to date. So you want to have a brand that not only stands out but is also consistent. Companies such as Coca-Cola, Pepsi, Nike. They don’t change you just know who they are. But think about your favorite photographer, restaurant, even your favorite bourbon bottle. Could you pick it out of a blind taste test? I know I could. Where is this rant stemming from you ask…A good friend of mine and someone I admire very much has changed not only his blog title but his image header 3 times over the last month. Now he has every right to do his its his internet property. But as a reader when I show up on his site I feel like I don’t know what blog I am reading anymore. I was able to identify it every easily from the clean simple image and blog name but then things just started to change. So now I am confused. I have gone from a daily reader to one who just says ‘ i’ll read it when I have time to figure it out’ . Now for me its sad because I am losing out on valuable information and spend a lot more time in my inbox, time I did not plan for. So I find don’t read his inspiring and thought provoking post as often. Brand Identity is the visual and verbal expression of you and your company and once you start changing this the change needs to be consistent as well. Its not about what you like its about your statement to the world. Take a day or two for that matter and do your homework. Make sure that you have everything set and ready to launch at the same time. Website, Social Media accounts, business cards and all of your printed branding. This way can make fresh clean statement to the world announcing YOUR image. Because after all even in the digital world Image is Everything. These were the logos I’ve had over the years because I could not make up my mind on one set pattern. But in looking at them you see a consistent theme in the font style, color and design. Look back at your past designs and see if there is theme you have. consult with a Graphic Designer and get some help if you need to. We are not always meant to create our own logos just because we have Photoshop. Leave a comment, I’s love to know how many logo’s you went through before you settled on your current one.