I understand the concept around a 365/52 photo project and I really commend those that are willing to commit to these project. I think these are good for those starting out and those who need help sharping their camera skills. They are great ways to notice the wonderful daily changes in your babies too. I stopped participating in these challenges because my focus as a photographer changed. These projects require an almost daily participation and that made feel like I was losing the joy of capturing the daily fun in my families life. I wanted my photography to have a freedom. Yes, I can miss a day but I know my personality and my OCD would kill me if I missed a day.
I started applying this photo a day concept to my business though, and every day I take a photo that propels my business, that I can add to my stock inventory. It has made me a better business person and I keep the joy and randomness in my family photos.
Photo A Day
Taking the idea of a “Photo A Day” monthly list and doing my own version of it in the MadCris Images Facebook Group. Instead of really obscure random prompts, I going to add in a list of things for you to share your Personal Brand feed. Sharing things about you and your business such as a quote from your favorite book, or something you learned from a Mentor are designed to build trust and get people more invested in you and your business. If you want to jump in and use these prompts visit the MC Group.
This is an approach I’ve been using for last 10 months. By knowing the themes I use each week, it has taken a TON of pressure off myself to come up with fresh content. My Wanda Wednesday posts are always my posts with high engagement, and I decided I wanted to use other weekly themes to simplify my strategy. Now I share tips on how to use photography effectively in brand selection on Monday, (Mood Board Monday) and I share a little Happy Hour hurrah & introduce myself on Fridays. It’s made it really simple to just sit down and list off 4-13 ideas around my theme and plan ahead for the next 1-3 months.
The 9 GRID
This is the last approach I’ve learned from an Instagram workshop I attended earlier this year, and it really revolves around using Instagram like a magazine. It takes the first 9 images and they all fit together to tell one story with those posts much like an article in a magazine. You can take any one topic and break it up into 9, and then even mix your current recurring themes in or the Photo A Day Prompts together with the 9 Grids if you’d like!