Sami’s Sweet 16 service was held at St. Martins Parish, The party continued later on at a private venue hall. Here’s the thing, I love Sweet 16’s. They mark a right of passage in a young girls life. In many cultures, there are different traditions like going from flats to high heels, and the placement of a crown or tiara on the young lady’s head. Some parties can get REALLY elaborate and are special. The girls tend to choose a theme and certain faiths and families tend to require community service as part of the Sweet 16. The intergenerational connections you see at these events is amazing. You see the teen, parents, grandparents and you’re lucky the great-grandparents.
It truly is an amazing experience. I remember my Sweet 16, it was a small family event and very personal. I grew up in a single parent home and my mom did the best she could with what she had.
“Thank you for allowing me the honor of photographing your Sweet 16 Samatha and family.
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