Today, as I was talking with a friend, sister photographer and someone I look up to and admire, it dawned on me that the struggle to run a successful business is very real, it weights very heavy on the hearts of a mom. We feel guilty about all we are NOT doing for and with our children. The unread books, the time not spent at the play ground, the unwashed laundry. But the truth is you can only do what you can, and don’t beat yourself up about what you think you are not doing. your children love YOU.
I asked Maddie why she was in such a rush to grow up the other night and her reply was because she loves me wanted to be big just like me. (open the flood gates I cried my eyes) but this is all that matters. My advise to my friend was “you will know when to slow down right now you are working to provide your daughter with a good life, you are teaching her what it takes to build a life that is worth living and sometimes a good life requires some sacrifice. Be ok with that, your family loves you.”
As moms we often forget about the stuff we have done and are doing. I am a straight shoot so please forgive the tone here, but your kid did not get this big on his or her own. They need meals and a bath, and Popsicles. Someone has to show them how to color use glue. I am willing to bet that was you, yeah you Wonder Woman. Oh and that scraped knee, only a moms kiss has super human powers to make the hurt stop.
Now as I say this I will admit that I am just as guilty. It is ok to plop you child in front of the TV for a bit while you catch your breath. Your parents did it to you and you turned out just fine. And in fact your child could probably use some down time to turn off the world for a while. Let them be kids and watch a cartoon or too and then come together as a family and compare notes. It is a great way to share your favorite childhood memory with them.