The best place to start (as with ANYTHING) is by setting a goal. Once you know where you’re going, you then have to know WHO your target audience is. You’re going to put all that together and list some of your favorite current clients and some potential clients that would be perfect for your brand.
Next, list off some words that best describe your brand. Some of mine are smart, sassy, fun, polished, and professional. Every one of your posts should embody at least one of these descriptive words.
You’re also going to brainstorming reasons why people want & need what you’re selling. What makes you different. From this, you will polish up your Instagram Bio to make sure it’s really clear who you are, and what you do. IF you aren’t clear your audience won’t know what you do and won’t trust you.
Once you’ve decided on a goal, named your target and defined your brand you need to shoot and curate the photos that will be best for your feed. Yes, it’s nice to share ‘in real time photos and events but even then you can overshoot and save some photos to share at a later time.
Now I think THOSE 3 steps are the hardest part, When you look at the month it’s 30 days yes let’s be honest we post every day even when we say we won’t many of us do in face post to social almost every day. If you’re one of those that post 20-25 days a month and you share 2 times a day that’s 50 pieces of content over the month which isn’t hard.
Think of it like this.
- something from your industry
- a repost
- a motivational quote
- a recipe
- your personal life
- a Selfie or headshot (an intro post)
That’s 6 right there and all you need to do is a rinse and repeat since Instagram is set up as a 9 grid can take 2 days off and recycle these themes. Feel free to apply the same concept to your stories as well. But with stories, you’re going live Wanda! Yes and they can still follow the same idea, they need to have a beginning middle and end like a book, and with that, you need to build off of something type of baseline, in the morning share your favorite quote which leads up to something else and goes from there.
If you find value in this share it if not tell me and share how I can provide you with better content. As a photographer and Integrated marketing strategist my goal is to assist you as best I can.