So I don’t know how many of you know that when I was 12 years old I was diagnosed with systemic Lupus as a result of an allergic reaction to some antiepileptic medication I was prescribed, but ever since I became mom and photographer and I knew that I wanted, I needed, to give back to this awesome organization that has helped me understand what has happened in and with my body as well as what I need to look for with my children. It has amazed me that as a mom at how tired we are from all that we do but when you throw an autoimmune disease into the mix it make things that much more difficult. This is the main reason why I have decided to partner with the Lupus Foundation Tri-State Chapter and offer some complimentary Session to women, just because I think we need to remember what it is to feel beautiful again. You can look forward to more information in the coming days but this is something I am extremely proud of and happy to be offering.
This is a picture of me (age 12), my sister and dad, the day I was admitted into the hospital with my Lupus diagnosis. This was February 12, 1987 the day fore my 13th birthday. It was on my birthday that I went in to have the fluid removed from around my heart, my hands, and my knees. I would be in the hospital another week after this picture was taken.
It is my belief as a mom, wife, small business owner and lupus patient that ‘real life does NOT stand still for anyone and I want to help you feel beautiful in the skin you have. This is my way of paying it forward…what’s yours