1. Don’t stress. Seriously Don’t worry about looking silly, you won’t. You won’t be left to your own devices and asking what do I do with you arms when it comes to posing. I will walk you through every step of this to ensure that your portraits come out fabulous. You’ll have a great time, if not the post session coffee is on me!
2. Have your makeup & hair done by the pros! . If you opt to not use the MadCris Team for your hair and Makeup we will be glad to make a referral for a team in the area. Their info will come to you in in a separate email but I highly suggest ALWAYS taking advantage of the services of a professional, you deserve a glam squad!
3. Don’t forget about the accessories. If you have favorite blankets, fun jewelry, even a hat bring it! You never want to leave thinking how you wished you had your daughters favorite pearls because there is no fun in that.