I tend to plan out my blog post but today is a rare exception…I was asked yesterday to cover an awards ceremony for a local chamber of commerce to which I said HELL YES! But this is my second photo shoot in one week and my second video shoot in two. Needless to say I am behind in editing work, orders and sleep.
So how does own prepare for a last minute shoot?! With style and grace is what I say. I have a friend that advised me years ago to always keep printed copies of my contracts in my car. I do, at least 10 at any time. I never have to worry that I don’t have a release for a gig. I have learned that once I return home from a job that I download my images to my computer and a secondary source and put that card right back into the camera. I also have a powerstripe which houses all of my battery chargers and I replace them as soon as I get home. That way I am never caught with my pants down. This is not to say that I am always prepared because I am not. My husband has had to save me on occasion but its rare.
As a small business owner I never want to turn down business, as a mom I NEED to provide for my family, as a woman I need to feel as if I have met my personal and business goals. I want to know that I have plan in place that I can count on. From my studio policies to the way I charge my batteries, it all needs to work for me.