As many of you know I am a huge HUGE fan of Jeff Gibbard, Owner of True Voice Media, a social media business based in Philadelphia. Jeff goes beyond telling you have to increase your Facebook likes, He gives you time, he looks at your industry and you as a PERSON and evaluates WHICH social media outlets will work best. Then he keeps giving you time and access to him and his team. He charges a fee for his services and its a fee that many happily pay, because they understand the value of becoming a social business in today’s world of short attention spans and where everyone thinks Facebook is God.
Jeff and I have become pretty good friends, so much so that I have him on speed dial and He will respond even while on a date. So it was no surprise while sitting in Jeff’s office planning out my Award show last week he asked if I had a logo created I told him that I had worked with some people but didn’t like anything that crossed my desk. I processed to tell him that I was going to “Let the Public Vote” He stopped me right there and said that it was time for me to “OWN THIS SHIT!”I believe his exact words were “Wanda, it’s Time to put on your Big girl panties, make the decision to LEAD“. No one was going to believe in this project if I didn’t first believe in it myself. Yes I can pull in a a team of people but I need to delegate. The final decision always has to be mine and mine alone. This is my business, my project, MY DREAM. No one else is staying up late at night with this vision, they are not the ones doing the work. Yes its nice to have input and feedback but in the end YOU NEED TO OWN IT.
If you are interested in learning more about Jeff and the work he does visit his site True Voice Media. He also writes a Daily Blog, called a Day in The Life which is so wonderfully written here is the link to my top 10 favorite post from his site.