When I was in college my video professor was good for pushing us to make professional quality films. He always said that where you start is where you’re going to get hired. He was right too. The work I did in school helped me get my freelancer gigs at the magazines I’m with today, as well as get published in an International book.
I’ve also done videos for some notable business’ in the area. So today’s post I’m going to share the same tips O share with my clients.
- Check your hair, makeup and clothing prior to hitting record or ‘go live’. Nothing is worst than watching someone fidget with their body on camera. Sometimes people do this is a way to deal with the nervousness of being on camera but it’s really distracting because now people don’t know where to look. I love watching Jasmine Star because she’s mastered the whole jazz hand thing by making coffee or something similar.
- Have a general idea of what you’re talking points are then WRITE THEM OUT. It will help you stay focused. Hold off on answer the comments last, this will help you get through your topic. Or allowing for breaks in your presentation so your audience knows when you’ll respond will be helpful.
- Many bloggers and marketers use Livestream as a way to self promote and connect with their audience. And while it’s a more causal way to connect you’re still going to want to be as professional as possible. Which leads me to the next point
- Be mindful of your default words. Default words are those words and phrases we use as random pauses when we need to collect our thoughts. The ums, right, you know what I mean, ok. These are just a few examples and I have a feeling that you know what your default words are. So just keep an ear out when you’re talking.
- Watch the position of your camera. You’re going to want to keep it at eye level. Nothings worse than looking up someone’s nose, or an odd camera angle of your breast.
Now I don’t want you to feel that I am being judgemental in any way! On the contrary. I want to see you produce the best possible content you can and I’m sharing my experience and skills in video production with you so you can create content you’re proud of.
So with that I employ you, go forth and make awesome video!