Here’s a thought that I have to share. The New Year is coming and all you see is stuff about work life balance. Let me break the news, there is no such thing! If you decide to work from home and still have young babies know that it’s going to be hard. Kids require a lot of attention so stop stressing out about getting work done. Either a) find a day care center or B.) connect with other moms who you can trade time with.
2- STOP TRYING TO DO IT ALL. Learn about project management and break that shit up. Ask for help and learn about goal setting. Some things can be done in 14 days while other need 90. Learn the difference.
3. Give yourself permission to be different. When you start looking at other peoples stuff you may want to call it INSPIRATION but really you are in comparison mode. Stop the madness, please. You are so good you can’t even see it because you are too busy looking at someone else’s shit.For example, I HATE wearing dresses. I did it for a long time because other people said I should.. When I gave myself permission to stop doing this and wear Pink Nikes all the time I became one happy Wanda.
4. TEACH…Teach others to respect your time. Just because you’re not in a traditional work environment doesn’t mean you don’t work, it means you set the tone for how your business is going to run. So teach your family, clients, vendor and everyone else of importance what matters to you. So if you need them to respect your work hours have some it and respect it.
See here’s the thing. When I started my business I worked in the nonprofit world. I was a 9-5er So my days were set…By someone else’s clock. My kids were in Daycare. We made a decision for our family to keep our kids enrolled so I could return to school and get a degree in Photography. Since becoming a work from home Mom I brought many of the skills from school and work into my business. Skills such as scheduling, and time management. Take a lunch, automation etc. I’ve been a work from home Mom for 5 years and in those 5 years I’ve learned that my business can only be successful if I plan ahead. I know what days my kids are off and plan accordingly.y calendar is scheduled for the year with personal events, blog post, clients, speaking engagements, and many more things. But I plan. It’s not nor will it ever be easy to say no to things but having a calendar of preset priorities helps. This has been my work life balance truth. And you can nor will you ever account for emergencies, illness and such but this is a start and that’s all you can ask for.
I hope this helps. Leave a comment let me.know what you think. What you do to find balance as a work from home Mom.
Happy Holidays,