These are uncertain times, with the Stay at home orders in place and changing almost daily having updated headshots to share online as a way to connect and promote yourself is VITAL. And I get it many people are not wanting to invest in things that are outside of their everyday essentials.
This amazing client called me to have her headshots done a few months ago, and when I asked her how she found me she said she Googled ‘headshot photographers near me’. I immediately said to myself…AAHH the power of SEO. But here’s the thing I try to educate my clients on, your professional identity shows you and your company at it’s best. It shows the world you are the decision maker when you invest in your headshots. With the rise of social media, there is an audience online that’s vast, and your first impression to them is your headshot. But there are a few things to consider before you book your session.
Whats The Purpose Of Your Headshot
Every headshot has a purpose, and you should figure yours out before you schedule a session. Your purpose will often dictate your clothing, makeup and hairstyle choices, as well as the number and sizes of the images you may need. Make sure your photographer knows the reason behind your headshots so they can help you meet your expectations. You may also want to consider the turn around time in which you will need these photos. Make sure you express this to your photographer as well.
Business Casual Or Business Formal
A headshot session is not a fashion shoot nor is it an opportunity to pretend to be someone else. It is important that your headshot be a true representation of who you really are. Your clothing choice should be appropriate for your profession, your business, or your potential workplace. If you need to appear as an expert and look knowledgeable and confident, a good choice would be formal, professional attire. If you are looking for a headshot that will be used primarily for social media sites, a more casual look might be preferred.
Create Visual Reinforcement For Your Brand
Whether you decide to go with a formal or casual look, it must be a look that represents your brand. Your brand’s image consists of style, colors, and visual impact, among other things. Make sure that your headshots are aligned with the overall look and mission of your business.
Consider Your Background Options
The last thing you need to consider is the background for your headshots. Just as the clothes you are wearing make a statement, the background contributes to the message your headshot conveys. Will you have a static black or white backdrop, a modern office space or will you have photos taken outside.
Let me be honest with you though, it took me along time to concede and have my own professional headshots done. I went to a photographer whose work I LOVED. It was clean, modern and at the time exactly what I wanted. Since I was starting out as a new business owner. I wasn’t sure of what my brand image was so I went with clean, modern and minimalist.
For more information about professional headshots, contact us today at 21833-6985
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